24/7 support for people in Queensland with alcohol and other drug concerns

Wanting to make changes to your alcohol and/or drug use? Adis is now offering a 3-session, telephone support program aimed at working with you and your alcohol and/or drug use goals. Click here to find out more
Call for information and advice on alcohol and drugs

Call us for counselling, information and advice. Anytime. Anywhere.

24 hours, 7 days free and confidential

Experienced and skilled counsellors

Support and treatment referral

For you, family, friends and health professionals.

Some reasons you might ask for help

Dealing with alcohol and drug concerns is difficult. We’re here to help.

  • You’ve tried to change but it’s been difficult
  • It’s causing issues with your relationships
  • You regret things you’ve said or done 
  • You’re not feeling physically or mentally healthy
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Talk to us. Anytime, anywhere.